Saturday, July 20, 2013

New VyprVPN Server added in Malaysia!

VyprVPN added a new VyprVPN server cluster in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia for all protocols! Just last week we also launched new server clusters in Ireland and Singapore! Users can now choose between three server clusters in the Asia-Pacific region: Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
For users that use VyprVPN Desktop, the new server clusters are automatically available when choosing their server location. To choose the new server clusters with VyprVPN Mobile, users just need to log out of their app and log back in. If a user manually sets up VyprVPN on their operating system, they can update their VyprVPN hostname to the following:
For Malaysia:
For Ireland:
For Singapore:
Improve Conversions!
Country specific landing pages are available for all VyprVPN servers! These pages are specifically optimized to convert users looking for servers in these countries and affiliates are already reporting better conversion rates after referring traffic to them. VyprVPN customers now have access to servers in the following locations. Click on the locations below to be taken to the corresponding landing pages.

  • Asia - Hong Kong
  • Asia - Singapore New!
  • Canada - Toronto
  • Denmark - Copenhagen
  • Europe - Luxembourg
  • France - Paris
  • Germany - Frankfurt
  • Ireland - Dublin New!
  • Malaysia - Kuala Lampur New!
  • Moscow - Russia
  • Netherlands - Amsterdam
  • Romania - Bucharest
  • Sweden - Stockholm
  • Switzerland - Zurich
  • U.K. - London
  • U.S. - Austin
  • U.S. - Los Angeles
  • U.S. - Washington, D.C.
More server clusters will continue to be added throughout 2013! Please update your reviews, blogs and news sections with the new server information as soon as possible to keep your visitors informed of the latest developments with the VyprVPN service. If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate account manager.

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